Wales Comic Con

Creating a seamless user experience through leveraging back-end capabilities.

Two screen mockups for the client project, with accompanying text that says "Responsive Website Design"
Wales Comic Con
My role
UX Design, Webflow Development, Content Design
Desktop, Tablet & Mobile


Wales Comic Con was founded in 2008 from humble beginnings with just 150 attendees for the first event in a university sports hall in Wrexham.

The event has grown exponentially in popularity over the years and now welcomes on average 30,000 visitors annually.

The Problem

The website was built in 2015 using Webflow (previously WordPress website) with an average visitor count of 28,000 per month. While it was overdue for a UI makeover, it quickly became clear that a UX overhaul was required too.

The analytics showed that 80% of website traffic are mobile device users, and with the previous design not being mobile optimised, this posed a lot of unnecessary challenges for customers looking for information and tickets to the event.

With Webflow being a relatively new platform when building the original site, the options available today didn't exist at the time, or had not been fully utilised, making for a rather complicated and messy update process for editors.

User pain points

Angry Comic Con fans

80% of users having a poor mobile experience

Mobile experience broken, with the navigation not in the correct place, images clipped off and needlessly long pages that were originally made for desktop only. 80% of users access via mobile devices.

Important information unavailable

Essential information was not easy to find, or completely unavailable making users resort to the Facebook page for the info, where it was easily missed. Ultimately it led to the user having to do too much research to find basic information that should be easily accessible on the website in the first place.

Conflicting information & broken/outdated links

Because of the way that the original site was built, elements needed to be manually updated individually, resulting in certain information not being changed. There were also spelling errors as well as broken links.

Image showing some workings out

Project constraints

  • 1 Month to complete
  • Existing branding that needed to be adhered to
  • Parallel event locations on sale at the same time
  • Legacy page links needed to be kept for SEO purposes
  • Restricted to Webflow capabilities
  • Limited imagery for certain categories

Redefining the problem

It quickly became clear through research that more work needed to be done to improve the information delivery via the website. Armed with the newly defined problem statement it was time to get to work!

"How might we improve the information consistency and content accuracy for mobile device users"

This resulted in the need to reflect on the information architecture of the site, and looking into the back-end content management process for editors of the site to ensure mistakes didn't happen as easily in the future.

Changes Overview

1. A new CMS system was created with logic linking to multiple sections of the website via one single editable dashboard with instructions and required fields for content editors.

2. Cancellations were kept up to date with a toggle feature
added into the CMS panel that when activated would automatically remove the cancelled guest from the active list and add the name into the cancellations box.

Image showing CMS toggle for cancellations

3. Adapted design for mobile users based on the data that 80% of users were from mobile devices. The navigation was completely overhauled and designed for mobile first along with all screens being adapted.

Image showing some mobile prioritised screen designs

4. Components added for easy editing across pages to create a more streamlined approach to changing information between events. This greatly improved the consistency across the site and reduced issues such as outdated links and buttons being left up.

Editable components screenshots

5. Adjusted site map:
Additional pages were added based on user requests and research along with renamed navigation elements using more accurate and descriptive titles.

Revised site map example


Screenshot of homepage on desktopScreenshot of guest prices page on desktop
Mockup of Wales Comic Con Mobile view
Mockup of Wales Comic Con Mobile view
Mockup of Wales Comic Con Mobile view
Mockup of Wales Comic Con Mobile view
Mobile website mockup for the homepage, with a purple cartoon shark mascot
Mockup of Wales Comic Con Mobile view
Mockup of Wales Comic Con Mobile view

Compromises & Scrapped ideas

Image to depict working late through the night on the computer with piles of paperwork

A general landing page redirecting to other specific event pages was considered, or rather, using a "hub and spoke" dashboard model. With different colour schemes, branding, and naming conventions to depict that it's a different event site.

Due to time constraints and factors such as potentially causing confusion to customers, this direction wasn't taken. The combined approach while not ideal, was considered the best approach for this iteration. The main goal was to focus on and fix the more immediate issues first.

Filters and search functions while great quality of life features for the website, they were not feasible in the short time span avalable. The additional functionality would have extended the launch date considerably, and has been added to the backlog for future implementation.

Some "nice to have" pages were added to the backlog to apply in future iterations.

Next Steps

Due to a lot of compromises needing to be made in the initial relaunch, some features and research will be done at a later date. These include:

1. Adding a filter/sort function for celebrity guest list pages.

2. A search/filter function on the pricing page to allow users to find exactly who they're looking for, without having to scroll and find alphabetically/manually.

3. User test a sticky navigation bar vs a back-to-top button on lengthy pages.

4. Additional navigation elements and pages added for planning: Where to stay, eat and drink etc.

5. Internal design system and support documents for editors.

Let's have a chat!